For your Weekend Listening Pleasure, Don’t miss the behind-the-scenes recording of Decker and Bryan talking about AMP Men’s Circle near the bottom of this post.
The biggest question we get from AMP grads is “How can I bring this type of relating to my own life?” It’s not realistic for you to come to SF or Boulder once a month for your AMP booster shot. Our work is not complete if you can’t integrate the experiences. We hear that and we want to help. We also don’t want you to depend on us for this. Ultimately, It’s all you. If you have been to an AMP event, you have experienced the power of men’s circles. The best way we know to create, maintain and integrate the insights and literal transformations that lead to an incredible life for men is participating in a Men’s Circle.

AMP Men’s Circles

In service of that, we’re creating an international network of men, coming together in circles regularly in a way that has each man in the circle kicking ass in his life. We are developing a few tools to make this easier, and we have hundreds of men lined up who want to join you. These groups will be hardcore. Not just anybody gets in. You have to want to show up in your life…bigtime. And…We have a program in the works to help you out with that commitment that you’ll hear more about in the coming weeks. Men’s circles are where all this got started. Men’s circles are a powerful container for an extraordinary life. Here’s what is possible for you in a Men’s Circle:

  • Discover what it is like to face life with a group of guys “having your back.”
  • Get transparent. You won’t be able to hide in your stuck places— from yourself or from your fellow men. After experiencing this kind of increasing self-transparency…you won’t want to hide anymore.
  • Brotherhood is just plain fun. Think sports teams, poker nights.
  • Learn and practice noticing the “context” through the “content” (high-level relating) and have choice on when you engage in each.

This kind of ongoing group will have a direct impact on you relating with everyone in your life…and especially women. If you are still not clear on how a Men’s Circle will light up every aspect of your life, listen to this behind-the-scenes recording of Decker, Bryan, Porch and some other AMP facilitators in a meeting talking about our vision for Starting a Men’s Circle. 

How to Join:

If joining Men’s Circle sounds like exactly the thing you have been looking for, we’re building the systems to support you in that. The first step is getting your own house in order, getting your shit together in the best way you can so you can bring yourself fully to the group and to your life. Look for an email from me next week for details about our proven and effective program for cleaning up your life(in every way) and getting you ready for a Men’s Circle (or any other next-level endeavor you are heading in to.) I’ll also talk about the tools we are putting together to make it easy, effective and nearly free to get into a men’s circle no matter where you live.

I wanna hear from you guys on what you think about joining an AMP Men’s Circle. (Comment Below)