The player will show in this paragraph

Hey there, its Shelly with the Authentic Man Program.

And today I’m going to respond to a post by King Uleo. He asks me to rate his online profile.

So I went to your profile, and my first thought was, “Hey dude, don’t you have any friends?” because you’re taking a picture of yourself in a mirror and to me that says “I don’t have any friends who are willing to take a picture of me.” The picture is a really big deal! So its your way of expressing who you are to a woman, and we really respond visually too just like you guys. So I recommend that you get a friend, go outside maybe in nature, maybe someplace that you enjoy, take like a hundred pictures, choose the best three or four and put those up.

I also notice that you like kind of angry in your profile picture, which isn’t very inviting and doesn’t make me want to pursue you in any sort of way. Then I went down to the about me section and what you wrote there was like, super spicy hot sexy. I got a little flustered just reading that! Which is great, and it doesn’t quite match who I saw you being in your pictures. So if you want to be that ‘Rico Suave’ guy that you are in your about me section, take some pictures of that guy! I want to see that guy, I want to feel the congruence between the pictures I see, and what you’ve written. Otherwise, I have a serious lack of trust that you are who you say you are. I shy away because i think “Ooo, this isn’t congruent, something is off here.”

So that’s my feedback for you, I hope that you can take it and run with it, and good luck in your dating life!

Thanks for asking! Bye!

From Bryan: This is a new experiment we’re trying, to have the women from our “Ask The Women of AMP” area of our members-only online forum create video responses to members’ posts. We’re posting them to the blog here for everyone’s education and enjoyment.

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