I want you to meet a mentor of mine, Guy Sengstock.

What you’re gonna see is an interview discussion of Guy and I riffing on the early influences of of AMP…

and Circling, the process that we at AMP are most famous for.

This is the stuff Decker, Guy and I geek out about most of the time —

  • How Ego and Superego are formed and disidentified from
  • The Intersubjective “We” (Ken Wilber’s 4-Quadrants holarchical model)
  • What we do at AMP with participants…
  • The Nature of Identity and tripping out on Existence
  • and more… (before our camera ran out of batteries)

Part 1

The player will show in this paragraph

Part 2

If you’re an AMP grad, or interested in diving DEEP into learning how to facilitate identity-level AMP Podwork that we’re famous for — and be completely transformed in the process…  check out our Circling Training Program – there are still some slots available:


Here’s a note from Decker about it:

Decker here.

Below is an unusual invitation, to join a training we lead behind the scenes at Authentic World.

If you’ve gotten even a taste of the deep inner work we specialize in at AMP & AWE, you can appreciate how profound this artform is – The ability to be with another person such they discover more about their self and their entire life.

Physicians, therapists, attorneys with their patients or clients…

All of us with the people we care about most…

If you have the bandwidth to learn to work with people in this way, it will infuse every interaction you have with more depth, humor and inspiration.

I have found no other training in the world that will teach this to you, and I have looked for a long time.

** and if you are not in a ‘training phase’ of life, be sure to enjoy where you are as fully as possible, including every person in your life..


(Btw, if you like these deep discussions on transformation, let me know and I’ll add more…)
– Bryan