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It’s rare to get Decker out of his cave.
These days, he’s been content to lead courses, coach high-end executive clients and meditate…
But given these unstable, shaky times, the new vision for AMP 2.0 has inspired him to come out…
Stay tuned THIS TUESDAY for our unveiling of a program designed to address both your challenges with women and the fact that the world is going through some SERIOUS changes right now..
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I really get what you guys are coming at here. Little microbreaks in integrity IMO is where we overlook little details that might compromise our current functioning system, but in the long HAVE to be done in order for our way of living to be sustained. Take the oil companies for example, and how they’re desperately clutching to their currently functioning economic gains. What will the world use as fuel when there’s no oil? What will happen to the economy?(Or is happending) It’s not just the oil companies either, it’s most large organizations in general. Politicians (especially in the western world), food chains, school systems, none of them are really DYNAMIC anymore. There’s a saying that goes “There’s an elephant in the living room, but no one wants to talk about it”. It is so real right now, when more then ever this world needs people of action and integrity.
I’m excited!
Hey Guys and Gals at AMP,
Great to hear that there’s an AMP 2.0 hitting the streets soon.
I just received the last AMP course a week ago (yes, it took 3 weeks to get here), which cost me about $500 Canadian. So if there’s a new course…. yes, I definitely would like a copy but I also think it should be a no charge upgrade situation.
I love the ending! And the rest was okay too.
Awesome what you guys are being. I got the DVDs here in Denmark, Europe and have been intriqued ever since. Such awareness is just awesome and that collective consciousness is now ready for this kind of material just blows me away and makes me very excited. The DVDs have helped me find my place in the body and the world is never the same. Thank you guys for putting it out there. Sincerely, Bo Brandt Laursen, Denmark, Europe
yeah i think its really cool you guys are gonna teach us how to make money. god knows we need it!
You are right, the more I am disconnected from my own presence, the more places I leak and the more places I am vulnerable to circumstances that can take me out.
Decker for President.
I’m excited about 2.0, but like Mike Gazley, I’ve just recently received my AMP course. Had I known 2.0 was just around the corner, I’d have waited to order. I’d also like to see some sort of upgrade policy regarding recent purchases.
Hey Tony and Mike,
2.0 has Nothing to do with our previous offerings…it’s an all-new program that will complement what you’ve already got.
I’m psyched. Glad to see that you guys are taking things to the next level. I’m on your ride.
I’m glad AMP is addressing these issues. At this point in our society, there is a tremendous need for men of integrity; in fact, I would say that a lack of masculine integrity is what has brought the would to this critical juncture, and in order for it to evolve to the next level of consciousness and functionality, mature masculine presence is a necessary component.
I am anxious to see how AMP 2.0 approaches this crucial matter.