Garrison’s got this 4 ½ year-old neice named Sophie in Boston. Last time he saw her he brought her this “Ugly Doll” named Moxie. It’s like a cute little stuffed animal-monster. She loved it so much that it became her constant companion.
So before Thanksgiving he got her another “Ugly Doll” named Roxie, but this time he decided to create a little video featuring Roxie getting excited about visiting Sophie, which he gave to her a few days before he arrived in Boston.
He had his girlfriend help make the video, which was really fun for the two of them to do together.
Here it is:
The player will show in this paragraph
From Garrison:
“I heard Sophie loved the video – she watched it about 25 times. My entire family watched the video on Thanksgiving and loved it. I decided to put it on Youtube and send it to a few hundred people and got about 40 emails from people telling me how much they appreciated what I’d done — and I still run into someone about once a week who says “Oh, dude! I saw the Sophie video, it was hilarious!” Plus, it’s been forwarded to several hundred other people who I will never even know about until we run into each other at a party somewhere in the future.“ In doing this, he CREATED VALUE and an EXPERIENCE for himself, his girlfriend (which deepened THEIR connection), and hundreds of other people he may never meet! So what’s the perspective that Garrison had, that had him access this kind of creativity? |
G’s niece, Sophie |
“I thought it’d simply be a fun thing for my girlfriend and I to do and a nice thing for my niece. Really, it all came from simply being on my own ride, enjoying my life and sharing it with others.”
Get That: Creating a really great ride – a quality experience — for a woman starts with having your focus on your OWN life (creating a great ride for yourself)… and everything after that takes care of itself.
How about you? How can you take YOURSELF on a great ride and bring others along with you?
Do you have a great story about a time you were on a great ride and took her with you?
Post a comment below, and tell us your thoughts, or else your OWN personal stories of “creating a ride” for someone!
How cool is that.
That sucks so much we as men need to learn that stuff, it’s all so genuine, it’s integrity.
That was awesome and such a great idea. Garrison you are the man, haha
— Caleb
This is a WINNER!!! Everyone involved gets to feel “special.” You, your niece Sophie, your girlfriend, your family, even the guys and gals who subscribe to your list.
You helped fulfill one of the 7 Rings of Desire that I write about – Provisions. There are two forms of provisions: presents and experiences. Your really created an “E-Ticket Experience” for all involved. The cost was in preparation and time, not so much financial.
From the sidelines, I give you the “HERO CHEER.” Awesome!
Sherrie Rose
The Love Linguist™
What a simple, and stupid video. It’s fantastic!
Here I thought I would have to do something worthy of an award to make a difference in someone’s life. By publishing something so inane, and the affect it had, you are pointing out that I already have permission to just have fun and share it. If it comes from the heart and focused on them, it will be a hit.
Thank you.
I want episode two – when she meets Sophie = please!
Damn! Now I have that Sophie song stuck in my head!
“Dad, can we all stay at uncle Gary’s house instead of Disneyland this year?”
Wonderful emphasis on how to have fun in your familial relationships! Thanks for sharing this!
Great video on having fun and making it fun for all. Great share!
“Damn! Now I have that Sophie song stuck in my head!”
Yeh, that’s a pretty horrible song 😛
Hahaha I’m still pissing myself!
What fun for Sophie to watch this personalized video!!
This was awesome, simple, hillarious, and your facial expressions were priceless. Also your girlfriend has a pleasant voice. As annoying as the singing became, the voice wasn’t annoying.